HomeWikiFinancial Code TablesPayment Plans

11.6. Payment Plans

  • Payment structures for reservations can be calculated by allocating a payment plan to a reservation.
  • Default payment plans are allocated to system users.
  • Different payment plans can be allocated to users by internal consultants. Once a payment plan is allocated it can be changed.
  • Payment plan rules apply, for example: where the agent is on a payment plan that a deposit must be made 30 days in advance.
  • To Add a Record:

    Click the New button on the toolbar, the New button on the toolbar becomes impressed (to indicate you are in new-mode) and the cursor focus is placed on the first field in the edit area. Enter the respective information in the fields available in the edit area and click Save on the toolbar to add the new record to the list.

    Note: Use the TAB key and SHIFT+TAB to move the cursor between fields in the edit area.

    To Edit a Record:

    Select the record from the list (the record is populated in the edit area — the edit area is the area at the top of the form where new can be added or amended). When the record is populated in the edit area, click the Edit button on the toolbar. Edit the information as required and click Save on the toolbar to update the changes (the record is saved and returned to the list).

    Note: Use the TAB key and SHIFT+TAB to move the cursor between fields in the edit area.

    To Save a Record:

    After editing or creating a new record, click the Save button on the toolbar to save the changes. The record will be added to the list and the edit area will return to New mode for the next record to be created or you can select an existing record from the list for editing.

    To Delete a Record:

    Select the record from the list (the record becomes populated in the edit area), click the Edit button on the toolbar to access edit-mode. Click the Delete button on the toolbar to delete the record. Payment plans can be deleted.

    Other Tips for working with Code Tables:

    Terms and Definitions

    Description A free-format description that identifies the payment plan.
    Payment Schedule Clicking the Payment Schedule button will open a pop-up where details of the payment structure are stored.
    • The payment plan can be made of any number of payment items. The total percent that can be allocated to a payment plan is equal to 100.
    • The system calculates the percentage outstanding when a payment item is saved.
    • Payment items are added using the toolbars at the top of the screen.


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