HomeWikiFinancial Code TablesRate Periods

11.8. Rate Periods

Rate Period


A rate period defines the time period during which a specific rate applies. Rate periods may be set up with multiple date ranges. E.g. High season may include 1-30 June, 15 Aug – 30 Sep and 1-31 Dec.



Main screen

From this screen you can create rate periods, to which you can attach multiple date ranges. Clicking on the 'Dates' button brings up the date range pop-up screen.






Period name

It is advisable to use a consistent naming convention, such as starting the name with the year, e.g. 2011 Peak.

Start date

The earliest date included in the associated date ranges.


End date

The latest date included in the associated date ranges.



Pop-up screen

From this screen you can add any number of date ranges.



From date

Start date of the range

To date

End date of the range

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