The Country Code Table's reference data is used in a number of important parts of your ResRequest system:
A reservation nationality By allocating a nationality to reservations you can build up information to track great statistics like which countries generate most of your sold bed nights.
Guest nationalities Knowing your guest's nationality can help your operations team make the guest's experience an awesome one; for example, use this information to match a German guide with your German guests. Of course there's also the benefit of your marketing team being able to target your guest based on their nationality; for example, send a November emailer to your European guests highlighting: "Your winter holiday can be a tropical oasis!"
A contact's address details Defining an agent's country address will help you report and group bed night results by country making planning, like your marketing team's agent visits, a total breeze!
Country Code Table Tips
While only the Country name and colour is used in ResRequest modules, the Country Code Table includes dialling codes, abbreviation and currency reference information.
A country colour can be linked to a country. This colour helps to illustrate trends and patterns on reports like the Operations Chart.